‘Get a Job!’ You’ve heard your Mum shout it at you — well, actually, mine sounded more like “GERRA JOB!” but her slurred speech is neither here nor there. And I did get my first Morrowvale job, working the taffy pull at Mr. Morris’s Sweet Shop (back then we called it ‘Sweat Shop’, but again, steam), but that was when I was seventeen, but still I digress — to live in Morrowvale, you don’t have to have a job, but it helps.

You might be independently wealthy already and not need anything special to get your enterprise off the ground.

Perhaps you’re less ambitious than that, and you’re able to look yourself in the eye every morning as. you get up, without a single thought against going out and working for “the Man.” Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but the main point here is, “Get a Job.”

The 2022 Jobs Restart Course, offered by the Morrowvale Council, is held thrice per week (M, W, Fr) at the Employment Centre located above Rich Kunz Novelty and Gag Shoppe, Oh I just got that. It says here you may use their parking for the first 2 hours, with validation.

Once you snag that job, just think – you’ll be able to buy food and stuff you need, and it will be awesome. You’ll feel like one million pounds, or whatever number of pounds you fancy yourself winning in some dream-Lotto. The point is, your dreams in Morrowvale will never be taxed; you simply need to know hot to navigate our currently treacherous financial waters and have a good time, looking for work doing something else.