Getting to Morrowvale has its own challenges, but once you’ve arrived, you’re home-free. Literally, as you’re still “home” in the sense of being on British territory, and “Free” because you might be one of the 37% who live here who are on the dole and who have managed to work out how living here is also a lot like a gambler’s “system”… and once the algorithm becomes fully clear, you too will understand how to get around like a Pro in Morrowvale during its peak hours and endless lack of light.

First bit of advice, just walk and take the tube, it’s not as nice as being in a car, obviously, but you get exercise and then, all the unhealthy junk food dinners you find yourself eating nightly/weekly/monthly/annually, only add up to a sustainable lifestyle if you’re prepared to also do a bit of walking. It’s good for you, don’t buck the system.

And by the way, getting around Morrowvale is easier than ever, with its abundance of stations, at 100 total it means you only need to walk about 3-4 blocks’ distance before arriving at the familiar sight of a Morrowvale tube entrance. Stepping over the drunk in the stairwell, you find yourself wanting that train to get there faster than ever, and you keep telling yourself, “This was definitely the last time.” And you know, it would be, if Morrowvale weren’t so darned charming.

Tidbit No. 2

Hire a motor, or a car, or whatever, but don’t buy it – rent it instead only when you need it and you’ll have a quick (well, not really quick) but tested, at least — system of making the most lemonade when someone in life offer lemon biscuits to you.